Archive for November 2010

Bayside, NY Chiropractor, Dr. Ronit Vilan, Recognized As An Authority On Infertility Problems   Leave a comment

PRESS RELEASE: Bayside, NY, 27-NOV-2010: Bayside New York Chiropractic is pleased to announce that Dr. Ronit Vilan, Bayside Chiropractor, has recently been recognized as an authority on infertility problems. Many people suffering from infertility have found the answers and help they seek when they have visited Dr. Vilan. The doctor has spent several years focusing his practice on assisting individuals and couples with chiropractic assistance in areas of care that are not often considered by people who are searching for help. However, the doctor is able to individualize plans that are often effective and affordable.

When an individual meets with the doctor, he will conduct a thorough physical examination to determine whether there are any misalignments in the structure of the body causing issues with fertility. In addition, the doctor will discuss the current health, exercise and diet program that an individual normally follows. Dr. Vilan will conduct several tests, including x-rays to determine the underlying causes of both pain and infertility.

After collecting all of the information and analyzing the data, the doctor will provide you with a plan that may include chiropractic manipulation, a change in diet, and exercises to help the body heal more quickly and assist the circulatory system of the body. The sessions may include manual manipulation of the spine, neck, legs, and extremities to insure that the circulatory system is completely healed.

To learn more about how Dr. Ronit Vilan, Bayside Chiropractor can assist in providing the answers to infertility problems, visit today! Members of the press or individuals wishing to receive more information regarding this press release will find contact information below.

Dr. Ronit Vilan

Bayside New York Chiropractic

Bayside Chiropractic

210-08 Northern Blvd. Suite 3

Bayside, New York 11361

Telephone: 718.278.9485

Fax: (718) 279-0986


When an individual is looking for answers to infertility problems, talking to an authority who has the experience and knowledge to provide the assistance needed will be beneficial. Dr. Ronit Vilan, Bayside Chiropractor will be able to provide the plan that is needed to address the issues and give you the ability to overcome the condition.

Posted November 30, 2010 by jamesfranklin45 in Press Releases

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Chiropractor In San Antonio TX Helps Locals Get Hip Pain Relief   Leave a comment

If you live in the San Antonio, Texas area, and are experiencing acute or chronic hip pain, a local chiropractor may be able to help alleviate your discomfort. Using various therapies and manipulation a San Antonio chiropractor can ease hip pain in most instances.

Often hip problems occur over a period of time. Previous injuries or trauma in a hip joint can predispose a person to osteoarthritis. This condition is due to a long-term breakdown of the cartilage located in the hip joint. Disease, obesity, and genetic disposition are also risk factors for osteoarthritis.

While chiropractic cannot provide structural remedies, by keeping the spine and joints properly aligned may alleviate unnecessary stress on painful hip joints. Using additional therapies may assist in slowing the progression of the condition and could help put off surgery.

A preliminary examination will be done if you are a new client to a chiropractic office. Tests will examine your joints, spine, nervous system, and muscle health. Most likely, a few x-rays will be taken to allow the chiropractor to fully assess your current structural health and be able to proceed with the most practical therapy.

To alleviate a painful hip issue, focus can be placed on several different areas. Inflammation can make walking or general movement difficult. Reducing inflammation will help improve movement, and make manipulation or an exercise program easier to accomplish. Strengthening muscles in the hip area and the trunk area will help support the whole body thereby easing some of the stress on the hip. Nutritional and lifestyle choices may also be discussed in how each relates to your pain.

Research your local San Antonio chiropractor offices online. Finding a chiropractic office near your home or work can help you find relief for a painful hip. Don’t just live with the pain. Make an appointment to get started on a program today.

Hip pain doesn’t have to interfere with your life any longer when your San Antonio chiropractor can provide solutions. Learn more about chiropractic therapy by visiting .

Posted November 29, 2010 by jamesfranklin45 in Articles

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Chiropractic Adjustments Helps Leg Pain Sufferers Find Relief In San Antonio   Leave a comment

Anyone who suffers chronic leg pain can tell you how irritating it can be while trying to perform everyday activities. He can make it difficult to sit, stand or even drive a car. What many people do not realize is that leg pain can actually be caused by problems within the spinal column. If you are one of the unfortunate individuals suffering from chronic leg pain, then you should contact your San Antonio chiropractor immediately.

Most people do not give their legs much thought. They are a very important part of our body, and are responsible for supporting the weight of the rest of our body and anything else we carry. Until they begin to hurt, most people do not give them a second thought.

Many times leg pain is actually caused by sciatica. It is a condition in which can be caused by compression or inflammation of the sciatic nerves located in the leg. The sciatic nerve is made up of five separate nerves which are connected to the lower spinal column and come together down through the legs. The nerves divide into smaller versions which travel through the thigh, calf, foot and toes.

The leg pain which sufferers may feel can vary between being a dull ache and shooting pains. Either of these can also be accompanied by numbness or a burning feeling. The activities which irritate this condition can vary with each individual. For some, any type of activity will cause the pain to flare up, while others will be affected more while sitting in the same position for a prolonged period of time.

Whatever symptoms you may be experiencing, your chiropractor can pinpoint where the problem lies. You will receive an examination which may include x-rays, and a physical examination to see if there are any visible signs of spinal problems. Only after then will you be presented with your options on how to proceed.

If you are experiencing leg pain, you can get relief by visiting your local San Antonio chiropractor. There you’ll find the proper methods to naturally allow your body to take care of itself, as it was meant to do. Millions of individuals have sought the care of the chiropractor for this condition, and you should too.

A San Antonio chiropractor offers leg pain relief to local residents using safe and non-invasive methods. For additional information, visit the website at .

Posted November 29, 2010 by jamesfranklin45 in Articles

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San Antonio, TX Hip Pain Relief – Dr. James Franklin   Leave a comment

Posted November 29, 2010 by jamesfranklin45 in Videos

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San Antonio, TX Auto Accident Injuries – Dr. James Franklin   Leave a comment

Posted November 2, 2010 by jamesfranklin45 in Videos

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San Antonio, TX Sport Injury Pain Solutions – Dr. James Franklin   Leave a comment

Posted November 2, 2010 by jamesfranklin45 in Videos

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San Antonio Neck Pain Doctor, Dr. James Franklin, Helps Hundreds In The Local Community   Leave a comment

PRESS RELEASE: San Antonio, TX, 25-OCT-2010: Dr. James Franklin has developed a reputation and is receiving recognition in the San Antonio community for helping individual find fast, safe and natural relief from neck pain. The San Antonio Chiropractor uses a combination of traditional chiropractic care and modern techniques to help an individual suffering from chronic neck pain find the permanent relief they need in order to live a healthy and fully functional life.

An individual suffering from neck pain is often limited in the types of activities they can enjoy. In addition, the pain may result in chronic and recurring headaches, backaches, and tingling in the extremities. By using traditional chiropractic techniques the doctor realigns the areas of the neck and back that may be compressed or adding pressure of the nerves through the body.

The doctor will also evaluate and analyze the lifestyle, exercise and diet of the patient to determine what steps can be taken to provide the body with the ability to prevent recurring pain and built a stronger healthier body. Using modern state-of-the-art techniques that include laser therapy, massage, and ultrasound therapy, the doctor is able to develop a comprehensive and individualized program plan that gives patients the immediate relief they see and provides patients with the resources and education they need to provide their body with the support it needs to achieve the desired state of wellness.

You can get more information about the methods and techniques used by Dr. Franklin, San Antonio Chiropractor to effectively and safely alleviate the pain that results from injury or accident by visiting today! The following contact information is available to members of the press who would like additional information with regard to this specific release.

Dr. James Franklin

Franklin Chiropractic and Accident Centers, Inc.

Nacogdoches Office

12802 Nacogdoches, San Antonio, TX 78217

Telephone: 210-657-6744

Fax: 210-657-7230

Callaghan Office

8077 Callaghan Road, San Antonio, TX 78217

Telephone: 210-341-5454

Fax: 210-525-8376

Bandera Office

6128 Bandera Road, San Antonio, TX 78217

Telephone: 210-684-8575

Fax: 210-684-8970


Dr. James Franklin has gained recognition for his ability to alleviate neck pain that is the result of injury or accident. The doctor has developed a program of traditional chiropractic care coupled with modern, state-of-the-art techniques that are designed to realign the neck and spin and help the body to heal and regenerate more quickly.

Posted November 2, 2010 by jamesfranklin45 in Press Releases

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How Chiropractic Helps Sport Injuries In San Antonio, TX   Leave a comment

Sports injuries are familiar injuries at chiropractic centers. Micro-traumas demand the best care to heal and not get hurt again. Analgesics recommended by standard medical practices do well to hide pain, but not fix the underlying trauma. San Antonio Chiropractor offers alternative procedures exclusive of pain medications or surgery. Medical professionals reduce pain, find the source, and offer various services and techniques to inhibit future pain.

Sports injuries happen throughout the musculoskeletal system. Certain injuries occur due to recurring motions, while others happen because athletes coil their bodies. When hurt, the muscle tissues develop inflammation, causing intense pain and swelling.

This holistic center supplies ways to reduce swelling and inflammation, and stop pain from reoccurring. Medical professionals tell athletes to employ proper warm up as well as cool down training to boost muscle health, endurance, and flexibility. Athletes are also advocated to use appropriate equipment and to understand their body and know when it needs time to rest and recuperate.

Even while practicing proper prevention, athletic injuries will occur. The holistic practices and techniques provided moderate existing pain and educate athletes on skills to promote pain avoidance. Provided to athletes comprise of chiropractic care, decompression and traction therapy, x-ray studies, spinal and postural advice, physiotherapy, and corrective exercises.

Three steps are approached to elevate optimal health. Relief, corrective, and wellness programs offer athletes examinations and consultations to locate the reason for pain, therapies to increase healing process, and recommendations to remain healthy. Medical professionals are not concerned with pain now, but also with potential pain.

Athletes are informed to attend to pain at its inception and not let it sit, raising the possibility for severe injury. Professionals at San Antonio Chiropractics assist athletes with sports injuries and instruct how to avoid future pain. This alternative medical center presents a selection of services to progress health and diminishes risk of potential injury.

Your San Antonio chiropractor provides natural and non invasive relief for sports injuries. For additional information about techniques, visit the website at today.

Posted November 2, 2010 by jamesfranklin45 in Articles

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San Antonio Chiropractor Helps Alleviates Pain From Auto Accidents   Leave a comment

One of the most common results of an automobile accident is whiplash. This occurs when the head is pulled forward and then jerked quickly backwards upon impact with another car or stationary object such as a tree. The uppermost vertebrae which form the spinal column support the head. They are vulnerable because the head is heavy for them to support. A San Antonio chiropractor will be able to show you a visual of what the structure of the spine looks like.

A lateral, or side view, shows it curving into a slight S shape. This bony column holds the spinal cord from which all nerves travel out to direct the rest of the body. It is supported by muscles, joints, ligaments and the spinal cord runs through the center openings in the spine. The bones protect the fragile spinal cord that runs through them. Each individual vertebrae has a hole in the center, like an inner tube.

It is the joints that give the backbone its flexibility. Think of the acrobats and gymnasts who can contort their bodies to perform amazing moves. It is that flexibility that permits them to do so.

Following an accident, there may be swelling that presses against the spinal nerves. This can cause excruciating pain. A chiropractor uses manipulations and massage to alleviate the severity of that pain.

As an individual ages, the spongy discs that prevent the bones from rubbing against each other, grow stiff. They no longer keep pain at bay by absorbing the impact of the rubbing. A chiropractor will use manipulation to gently maximize the cushioning that is still functional.

A San Antonio chiropractor will adjust one of the three main parts of the spine to relieve pressure and pain. The cervical spine is in the area of the neck and supports the head. The thoracic spine is located in the upper back area and the lumbar spine is in the lower back. The sacrum is directly below the lumbar region and, along with the coxyx is fused. As your chiropractor will confirm, these vertebrae can be subjected to quite a bit of pressure before they are damaged enough to cause unrelieved pain to the individual with a slipped disc.

A San Antonio chiropractor can help to provide relief from the pain of an automobile accident. You can get more information by checking in at the website at .

Posted November 2, 2010 by jamesfranklin45 in Articles

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